Getting Started with Scope


Using Docker

Download Scope onto your machine

The easiest way to get Scope up and running is by using Docker. Follow these steps:

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose on your machine.

  2. Run the following command to initialize the environment:

    make init

    This command will set up a database, web worker, Celery worker, and Redis broker, and it will run your migrations.

  3. Once the setup is complete, you can access your local installation of Scope at http://localhost:8000.

Note: If you encounter an error, ensure that you have a .env file in your project directory. You can create one based on the provided .env.example.

Using the Makefile

You can run make to see other helper functions available in the Makefile. This file also allows you to execute specific commands directly.

For example, to run management commands in containers, you can use:

docker compose exec web python createsuperuser

Or adjust the makefile and you can run:

make superuser

Native Installation

If you prefer to install Scope directly on your operating system, follow these instructions:

  1. Set up a virtual environment (this example uses virtualenvwrapper):

    mkvirtualenv scope -p python3.11
  2. Install the required packages:

    pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
  3. Set up the database (if you’re using Docker, you can skip these steps):

    • Create a database named scope:

      createdb scope
    • Create database migrations:

      python makemigrations
    • Create the database tables:

      python migrate

Running the Scope Server

  • Using Docker:

    make start
  • Native:

    python runserver

Building Front-End Assets

To build JavaScript and CSS files, first install the npm packages:

  • Using Docker:

    make npm-install
  • Native:

    npm install

Then, build and watch for changes locally:

  • Using Docker:

    make npm-watch
  • Native:

    npm run dev-watch

Running Celery

Celery is used to handle background tasks and manage large data operations while working with Scope. If you’re using Docker, it will start automatically.

If you’re not using Docker, you can run Celery with:

celery -A scope worker -l INFO --pool=solo

For scheduled tasks, use:

celery -A scope worker -l INFO -B --pool=solo

Note: Using the solo pool is recommended for development but not for production.

Installing Git Commit Hooks

To install Git commit hooks, run the following command:

pre-commit install --install-hooks

Once installed, these hooks will run on every commit.

Running Tests

To run tests, use the following commands:

  • Using Docker:

    make test
  • Native:

    python test

To test a specific app/module:

  • Using Docker:

    make test ARGS='apps.utils.tests.test_slugs --keepdb'
  • Native:

    python test apps.utils.tests.test_slugs

On Linux-based systems, you can watch for changes using:

  • Using Docker:

    find . -name '*.py' | entr docker compose exec web python test apps.utils.tests.test_slugs
  • Native:

    find . -name '*.py' | entr python test apps.utils.tests.test_slugs